Pricing & Services

What to Expect

At Measured Money Maneuvers, we believe that comprehensive, ongoing financial planning is the best way for the majority of people to reach and achieve their goals with the twists and changes life brings to all of us. Knowing people have different needs and circumstances, we will also work with you on a project-based plan or hourly based to suit your needs. 

Comprehensive Financial Planning

Single starting at $3,600 annually. Married starting at $4,800 annually. Fees based on complexity.

Includes all of the following:

Includes optional and recommended investment management at no extra cost.
Initial 5 meetings per process diagram below, followed by 3-4 meetings per year.

Life areas covered:

  • Values & Goal Planning
  • Financial Vital Signs Review
  • Budgeting & Cash Flow
  • Insurance Planning
  • Investment Review and Selection/Recommendations
  • Debt Payoff
  • Retirement Planning
  • Tax Planning
  • College Planning
  • Real Estate
  • Equity Compensation
  • Career Transition
  • Employee Benefits Review
  • Estate Planning
  • Credit Card Hacking

In addition, includes the following:

  • Additional meetings as needed/requested
  • Unlimited email support
  • Life Coaching & Accountability
  • Ongoing support with plan implementation
  • Ongoing Education

One-time Project / Financial Plan

Starting at $2,500 for singles, $3,000 for married.

Includes all of the following:

Limited scope starting at $2,500 for singles, $3,000 for married. Pricing based on complexity and scope.

Can select from a variety of different services for your specific project including but not limited to:

  • Values & Goal Planning
  • Financial Vital Signs Review
  • Budgeting & Cash Flow
  • Insurance Planning
  • Investment Review and Selection/Recommendations
  • Debt Payoff
  • Retirement Planning
  • Tax Planning
  • College Planning
  • Real Estate
  • Equity Compensation
  • Career Transition
  • Estate Planning

Includes the option to convert to Ongoing Comprehensive Financial Planning after plan delivery.

Hourly Rate for Meetings/Consultation

$250 per hour.

Includes all of the following:

For those looking for a limited scope review or a specific problem to solve, this may be the answer for you.

Starts with a complimentary ~30-45 minute meeting where we start to work on your immediate concern.

Some common discrete financial issues include:

  • Review Investment Portfolio & Recommendations
  • 401(k) / TSP rollover or what to do
  • Equity Compensation & Diversity Out
  • Rental Property Sell or Rent
  • Roth Conversion Analysis
  • Understanding Insurance Options