Do I have to be in your area or can you work with me remotely?

You’re in luck! I only work remotely. I work with clients anywhere in the U.S. through video conferencing and other internet-based systems. This allows us to be as efficient and environmentally-friendly as possible and avoid unnecessary travel time.

Are you a fiduciary fee-only advisor?

Yes! And if you're not sure what that means, you can read about fee-only advising here.

Where is my money held if I work with you?

I work with Altruist. You will have full online access and a mobile app to access your accounts.

What if I decide to stop working with you? How do I transfer my money?

While I certainly want to invest in long-term relationships with my clients, you are always in control of your money. Your money is held with a standard custodian and you have the option to stop working with me any time and you can continue to access your money or move it wherever you want.

Do you advise on cryptocurrency or are you going to tell me to stay away from it?

I'm crypto-friendly! I believe cryptocurrency (or "digital assets" as we often say) can often have a place in an investment plan. I believe in responsibly evaluating digital assets in the context of your financial plan and including these assets in cases where it's appropriate.

How much does it cost to work with you?

I charge an annual flat fee. You can get more details in Pricing & Services.

Am I going to have to spend a lot of time and effort giving you a bunch of documents? That sounds annoying and not-fun.

No. Well, maybe. Here's the thing. Yes, I will need some information from you. I will even need some documents. However, I make it really easy to upload them electronically and most of the information is gathered by linking up your accounts into the planning software directly so that we avoid a lot of back and forth.

It is a little bit of work up front but we'll make it as easy as possible.

Do you also do tax preparation?

I do lifelong tax planning; but do not do yearly tax preparation at this time. 

Am I going to be depressed about my finances after giving you all my information?

No! Well, I don't know, but I don't think so. Here's why. Many people who I work with come to me because they have this nagging feeling that they don't really have a complete picture of their finances. They may feel a little bit lost. They feel stressed and avoid looking at their financial situation because they aren't sure what to do.

The very first milestone in our relationship is that you will (maybe for the first time) have a complete view of your financial situation. You will see your net worth, all your accounts in one place, and a confidence number. Whether it's where you want it to be or not, just about everyone gains some peace of mind from facing their situation head-on and knowing where they are. Even better, we get to talk about your situation and focus on how to get better — together.